Emily Clooney.
Aspiring sports journo, American history lover, Harry Potter enthusiast and part time blogger.
In 2015 I completed the most challenging time in my life, high school. It was both the best and worst day of my life; the best being I finally had true freedom, the worst, the flexibility to do things on MY time.
The first few month post-year 12 were the greatest. I was living in Noosa, working full time hours in a restaurant, adjusting to life as an adult in the real world. Life was going great. It wasn't until March, when university started, that life started getting real again.
Pre-universisty, I had been on more 'life adventures' than most 17 year olds (nothing of which could compare to uni!). I am fortunate enough to have gone of five cruises before I turned 18 and am blessed with parents who enjoy the finer things in life; going to the theatre, enjoying a dinner out, seeing the world essentially.
This blog arrived in my life six months into my university adventure, when I figured I should put my opinions and ideas to paper. While it hasn't been something that has been a weekly upload, I have enjoyed sharing the limited blogs that I have time to write.
In December 2016, I received the greatest email EVER. I was accepted to study in the United States at the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill for SIX MONTHS! It is an opportunity that I will forever be appreciative of, the experiences that the trip will bring are incomparable. In August 2017 I leave, bags full and an open mind on the opportunities that I am about to have.
So, as this blogging journey continues, I hope share my thoughts, opinions and experiences on parts of everyday life.